Saturday, May 30, 2009

Awareness, De-escalation, Physically Defending


Awareness is defending yourself by avoiding danger altogether by thinking ahead, or making good decisions. Examples include parking in a well-lit area, not wearing music headphones while jogging (so you can use your sense of hearing to pay attention to your surroundings), or looking under your car/in the backseat before entering to ensure there is no one waiting for you.

Due to its non-physical nature, awareness is emphasized heavily in women's self defense classes where it is assumed that the attacker will probably be larger and stronger than the victim.



De-escalation is the use of voice, tone, and body language to calm a potentially violent situation before violence actually ensues.


Physically Defending

If you choose to run away from your attacker, be careful to make sure to run to a safe place, where other people are that can possibly help you.

****If you do run your attacker will be behind you and you will not see what and where they are****

****There is the possibility of your attacker being able to out run you****

Men and women have different socializations. A man expects a man to stand up to them, and an assailant will use this to talk the man into a fight. Men who choose to attack women are cowards but dangerous. A man does not expect a woman to stand up to them, and a male assailant will often back down when she does.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Always be aware of your environment. Make sure that you don't have any distractions.

The other day I was watching a woman walking near the local University. She had an ipod in her ear, and a cell phone on her other ear. She was looking down while walking also.

One of the higher locations of occurrence of attacks for women are universities, hospitals, and malls.

This woman had too many distractions while walking at a high concurrence location. What advice would I give this woman or any woman walking on a university? 1) don't walk alone during lite hours---when there aren't many people around, 2) never wear an ipod, you can't hear what's going around you. 3) keep your cell phone away unless you are in immediate danger, again it takes your attention from the environment. 4) look up while you are walking. Walk with self confidence, even if you have to pretent you have cofidence. Look at every one in the eye when walking past them and say hello casially. By looking at the person you will be able to identify them. Would be attackers are looking for victims---victims aren't people who walk with cofidence. By saying hello you have also made yourself human in the other persons eyes--the would be attacker doesn't look at their victims as humans but as prey.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Trust Your Inner Voice

Have you ever felt weird around a person and didn't understand why? I would suggest that you listen to that feeling---it has never led me astray when I have listened. When I haven't listened to it, I've gotten into situations that were not pleasant.

If you feel odd about going a certain way home, listen to that inner voice, choose a different way.

If you feel like some one is following you listen to your inner voice and go to the nearest police station---make sure you do not go home. If you go home, you will be leading your stalker to where you live.

If you don't feel good about going to an event, even if all your friends are going to be there, listen to your inner voice, and don't go.

If you have a feeling of distrust toward a person, listen to your inner voice and stay away from them, and don't share information with them.

If you get into an elevator and a person in the elevator makes you feel "yucky"---listen to your inner voice. Get off the elevator at the next stop, make sure they know you are aware of them, don't get on the elevator...etc.